Thursday, November 3, 2022

Joe Reilly - Breathing - Official Video

Joe Reilly; Environmental Singer, Songwriter and Educator


Joe Reilly is a wonderful indigenous singer, songwriter, social worker, and environmental educator from Michigan. Joe Reilly writes songs that are gifted, poetic and touch deep into the heart of compassion. His music is a mix of styles from hip-hop, blues, gospel, world rhythm and traditional American Indian styles.

Joe Reilly is very engaging with his audience whether it is a big or small show and consistently has something meaningful and educational to say. I add Joe Reilly to my list of amazing environmental songwriters in the likes of Douglas Wood and Bill Brennan (a.k.a. “Billy B.”).  Joe Reilly who is younger, I am sure will carry the environmental songwriters torch well into the future with honor.


Watch video here for Breathing


B. Allison


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